Friday, November 18, 2011

Really Mark Sanchez, Really!

I know I took the easy way out with that headline, but it is fitting because Eric Smith should not have been in that position if it wasn't for Mr. Sanchez.  Mark Sanchez showed that he is not ready to be an elite quarterback.  I understand that you didn't have all of your plays available as Tomlinson did not play and Shon Greene got hurt early, but from a running perspective, Joe McKnight seemed to okay.  It is not like this team has been running well this year and you can only blame so much on the running back's pass protection.  You are playing against a pretty bad offense with a 7 point lead, is there really a need to throw in a tight window on a third and 8.  The only way you  could have lost last night is by throwing a pick six, which Sanchez did or special teams.
My other problem with last night's performance is that the Jets could not muster 15-20 yards to get into field goal range when they got the ball inside Denver's 50.  This would have given them a possible 6 point lead and made it a much different game.  People might say that they scored a touchdown, so it wouldn't have mattered, but it does and it does a lot.  Down 6, Tebow and the Denver offense would have needed a touchdown from the get go, which would have led to calling plays differently.  Knowing that you are down 3 and Matt Praeter kicking at home, is much better than needing to score a touchdown against the Jets defense.  The touchdown was icing on the cake as they knew they had a good shot at a tie already, which is why they called it conservatively once they were in field goal range.  No need to take risks and you might be able to get a good result by running it, but at the minimum you are not putting Tebow in a bad spot.  That was well played by John Fox, but was handed to him by Mark Sanchez's inability to lead an offense.  One other thing, I noticed is that Plaxico is beginning to look a lot like Randy Moss in his last year.  The main difference is that Plax goes across the middle more often than Moss did.  He is not beating anybody and his main move will be to get a jump ball.  There is no more explosion to him, so if there is no improvement by next year, he will probably be following Moss into retirement.

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