Monday, September 15, 2014

Harbaugh and Kaepernick Imitating Garrett and Romo?

Watching last night's game between the Bears and the 49ers only made me think of one thing, Romo and Garrett.  Frank Gore, who is getting up in years, did about as good as he is going to do.  You can tell he doesn't trust his speed as he is always looking to the side and cutting back instead of bursting through his path.  How the 49ers did not feed him the ball after not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 turnovers by Kaepernick, who has all the intangibles and I like better than Romo, was beyond anything I could think of.
Kaepernick looked an awful lot
like Romo last night.
It seems that instead of watching game film of themselves or their opponents, they went back and looked at Cowboy film from last year, or better yet last week against, you guessed it, the 49ers.  Nobody avoids giving the ball to a talented workhorse back like the Cowboys.  They instead tend to throw at will, even when there is no need for it.  In fact, the first week of this season much like last season, Romo threw enough picks in the first half to put the game out of reach for themselves at home.  Yesterday must have been Bizzarro Day as the Cowboys gave the ball to Murray almost 30 times and what did he do, he had over 160 yards and a score.  More important, they won the game with really no problem, in Tennessee.  Now, the 49ers decided that somebody needed to pull of what the Cowboys did not and allowed Kaepernick plenty of opportunities to imitate Romo as he threw 3 picks and fumbled once in a game that was very one sided in the first half.  For some reason, the 49ers thought less of taking some time off the clock against a potent offense, never mind the fact that Gore averaged almost 5 yards a carry, with a 60 yard touchdown called back, which should not have been.  It was not as if they can't run the ball and they would go 3 and out by doing that, heck, I would even understood calling run plays for Kaepernick, just throw the ball a bit less when there wasn't as much of a need.  It seems Harbaugh was too smart for himself and should have had the offense tone it down a bit as they would have probably came away with a win, had they done that.  The big question is, will he be smart enough to not do it 2 weeks in a row, never mind the 2 years in a row, they have been doing it in Dallas.  I think he is smart enough, but only time will tell.

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